Monday, January 31, 2011

MDM 2.0.1 released on FW 4.1.0

MDM 2.0.1 has been released on with FW 4.1. Note that with this new FW 4.1 some additional FW 4.1.0 patches are released. This is also the first TUGBU product to be released on FW 4.1.0. The previous version on MDM was MDM 2.0.0 (SP1) was on FW 4.0.2.

Additional FW 4.1.0 patches are also available on MOS (my oracle Support)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ORMB 2.2.3 released

ORMB 2.2.3 has been released via

Thursday, January 6, 2011

MWM (i.e. SP3) released

MWM has been released. You can get the patch which can be installed as an upgtrade or a new install, from my oralce support. The patch number is 10359005. A Rollup of FW 4.0.2 patches has also been released for this namely 10358996.