Monday, April 20, 2009

SDK to SDK upgrade

If you have a previous SDK 2.2.0.x install and have not done any development work and want to upgrade to here are some quick notes on how it can be done:

* Download the software (metalink 8255816) * Unzip it
* uninstall the existing SDK version form C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\_uninst\uninstaller.exe
* install new (it will create a folder)
* install eclipse in C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\Eclipse
* Copy C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\Eclipse folder to C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\Eclipse

* copy the plugins C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\tools\Eclipse\plugins on to C:\SPLSDK\SDK\\Eclipse\plugins (RECOMMENDED - as eclipse plugins might change. If not done, old plugins might still exist)
* copy the jars into eclipse folder as mentioned in InstallationGuide.doc (hibernate, jta and c3p0, etc...)

* do the below 2 steps ONLY if a new version of C:\SPLSDK\SDK\UtilitiesEclipseConfig.exe is available (perhaps check the time stamp)
* uninstall the Oracle Utilities Eclipse Config 2.2.0 from Start -> Program Files -> Oracle Utilities Eclipse Config 2.2.0 -> Uninstall Oracle Utilities Eclipse Config 2.2.0
* install the new version of the Oracle Utilities Config 2.2.0 from C:\SPLSDK\SDK\UtilitiesEclipseConfig.exe

* Click on Start Eclipse script and per page 61 of the install guide re-configure the External Tools --> properties tab folder details i.e. \ becomes Also double check the setsplenv.bat script in C:\SPLSDK\SDK it should have reference to

* create the Linked Resource with application Server base
* Add default SPL Database properties from Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> SPL DataBase Properties [SHOULD be done before eclipse wizards are invoked]
* recopy AppServer Package scripts and DB PAckage scripts to CISDevelopment folder to override older copies


TS said...

I have installed SDK but unable to find UtilitiesEclipseConfig.exe. I have searched the same in whole d:\spl directory.

Anonymous said...

For me it was the same when using SDK version but installing version fixed missing UtilitiesEclipseConfig.exe problem.