Tuesday, September 1, 2009

jar command to unzip the jar files for CCB 2.2.0 SP5 and FW 2.2.0 SP5

I found that some times my windows box runs out of memory when doing the "unjar" of the files released as part of the SP.

per the release documentation they state the following

jar -xvf CCB-V220-SPx-win.jar
... I tend not to do the 'v' command as I really do not need to see the verbose info but ...

I do add the following

jar -xf -J-Xmx1024m CCB-V220-SPx-win.jar
.. this give it at the initial outset 1GB of memory ....

Note for CCB 2.2.0 SP5 on windows , it simply unzips into a folder called win .... previous SP creates a folder called CCB-V220-SPx-win (I have renamed it to CCB-V220-SP5-win to be consistant)

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